Monday, December 19, 2016

Industrial coffee table

Inspired by the industrial coffee table from Little glass jar I made a table just like hers. I've made some adjustments to the height and size of the table to fit our living room other than that it's identical. Visit Little glass jar tutorial here.

The local hardware store cut the pieces up for me. I ended up only needing one 2x6 board for the planked top and two 2x2 for the frame for my measurements. The coffee table is 70cm wide and 104cm long. 

Since the boards were nicely cut up in the right sizes all I had to do was to assemble them. 

 I used wood glue and 7cm long wood screws. 
 I used a darker color wood stain on the frame and a lighter wood stain on the planked top. The planked top was screwed on lying upside down so the screws wouldn't show. 
 I'm extremely pleased with the end result. 


  1. Hello! Looks great! About how long did this project take you?

  2. Just bought my materials. I can't wait to try this!
